Why Should You Consider a Property Management Company
The top two reasons that rental property owners seek Property Management services are to:
Get better (screened) tenants into units.
Everyday with a vacancy (or trying to find a replacement tenant) is money lost.
Experience less headaches during the rental ownership.
Who handles the calls and various scenarios during the weekend, late at night, and while on vacation?)

BridgeBuilder Education & Investments saves property owners money and headaches by placing a good qualified tenant into your property through our strenuous screening process, which lessens the potential for eviction costs.
BridgeBuilder Education & Investments uses a proven 10-Point screening procedure:
Obtain Government Issued Identification
Social Security Number Verification
Income/Employment Verification
Credit Score
Credit Report
Review of Landlord Debt/Bankruptcy/Foreclosure/Tax Liens/Collections
National Eviction Search
Prior Landlord Verification
National Criminal Search
National Sex Offender Search
At BridgeBuilder Education & Investments, we aim to handle as much of the management responsibilities for you. We start by marketing your property aggressively, and then begin screening potential tenants to find the right applicant. Once we have a qualified tenant ready to move into your property, we will execute the lease and handle the move-in process from A to Z. Our management services extend throughout the duration of the lease and include managing maintenance and repairs. Finally, when the tenant moves on, we will handle the move-out process and get the property ready for its resident.
Peace of Mind is Worth the Cost
DeWayne Johnson, PMP (dewayne.johnson@iamabridgebuilder.us) is a Co-Founder and Business Management Consultant with BridgeBuilder Education & Investments, which provides consulting for businesses interested in ways to improve process, strategy, leadership, and staff development. For more information, please visit www.bridgebuilderinvestments.com.
You can ‘like’ the company on Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamabridgebuilder and ‘follow’ them on Twitter: @BBEInvestments. You can also connect with DeWayne Johnson on LinkedIn.