Tip #1 for Running a Successful Business in the South
While cities like New York and Miami are gaining popularity with successful companies, southern cities like Atlanta and Savannah, GA are beginning to brim with their own premiere business culture. In addition, smaller-sized cities throughout the South are beginning to serve as go-to spots for young entrepreneurs, emerging businesses, and expanding corporations since great ideas stand out more, and business costs are typically lower. But, how can business owners and managers in the south be sure their companies will see the success that others have found elsewhere? Although business environments differs across regions of the country, running a business in the south requires a slightly different approach to company culture than other parts of the country. Apply this basic step to be on your way to becoming a Southern Success.
BridgeBuider Co-Founder, DeWayne Johnson, leads a consulting workshop on Vamping Microsoft Word for business.
Tip #1
Embrace the Southern Culture!
In the southern United States, a handshake deal recognizes trust and partnership like no other place in the world. Therefore, it's extremely important to understand and assimilate company culture to the local way of business. Network with other local entrepreneurs and business leaders to find neighboring businesses with unique strengths. Chances are that different companies possess different skills, which provides the perfect environment for collaboration and partnership. Find a community that has a strong Chamber of Commerce that hosts business and networking monthly events, which can be instrumental in forming these key relationships.
BridgeBuilder Education & Investments, has enjoyed a number of competitive advantages by being located in Valdosta-Lowndes County, GA. From the time the company began operating in the area, the community and Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce has embraced the unique nature of knowledgeable, credential business consulting that we provide to other business organizations and schools. Several businesses and community leaders have noted the way BridgeBuilder Education & Investments has taken pride in being an impactful leader in the business community, rather than simply running business as usual.
The city’s support made it possible for us to expand and begin providing not only management consulting services to local businesses but also education and leadership services to local schools and institutions of higher learning, which has brought even more pride to the community.
At this year’s Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Google co-founder Sergey Brin cautioned entrepreneurs that starting a company in Silicon Valley may no longer be the best idea. The region’s cost makes building a “scrappy initial business that’s self-sustaining” difficult, if not impossible. Instead, Brin and other business leaders are advising business owners to flock elsewhere. While cities like New York and Miami are gaining popularity with startups, the most advantageous locations may actually be located in the south. Great ideas stand out more, and business costs are typically lower in nearly every aspect, making the area a better bet for business success.
Next time, we will explore our second tip for becoming a Southern Success. Stay Tuned!
DeWayne Johnson, PMP (dewayne.johnson@iamabridgebuilder.us) is a Co-Founder and Business Management Consultant with BridgeBuilder Education & Investments, which provides consulting for businesses interested in ways to improve process, strategy, leadership, and staff development. For more information, please visit www.bridgebuilderinvestments.com.
You can ‘like’ the company on Facebook: www.facebook.com/iamabridgebuilder and ‘follow’ them on Twitter: @BBEInvestments. You can also connect with DeWayne Johnson on LinkedIn.